
What’s it like to write a blog?  For me it’s like cutting little snippets from the fabric of my life and pasting them somewhere for everyone to see!

Who is Mom Meets Blog? I’m a woman, a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, and a friend; I’ve been up and down and over and out and I know one thing – okay, so that’s Frank Sinatra but you get the idea. My son is currently navigating those angsty teen years while I navigate those snarky midlife years, and my husband oversees a hectic family business and insists he still has a full head of hair. I love peonies, action movies, classical music, plot twists, pedicures, baked potatoes, the Chrysler Building and I’m never, ever sick at sea… well, hardly ever!

What goes on at Mom Meets Blog? All sorts of stuff, ranging from recipes and crafts to tales of stinky adolescent boys to hair care tips, family trips and sensuous ruminations about Nutella – whatever catches my eye or fancy finds its way into Mom Meets Blog! And that makes my friends and family very nervous.

So that’s it – I’m managing motherhood, midlife and a blog.  That’s Life!

Also, check out Mom Meets Blog on Facebook and Instagram!

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for the stop over and comment on my blog. I like yours very much – it’s creative, funny, informative and just a whole bunch of stuff all rolled into one! Looking forward to “getting to know you”!😊

  2. Thanks for liking my post! I’m a first time blogger, and you were my first like! It was encouraging to have it come from another blogger and not just one of my friends. Your blog is right up my alley so I’m glad we’ve connected!

  3. Thanks for liking my post! I’m taking a poke around yours and your Passive-Aggressive Parenting 101 made me laugh 🙂 Looking forward to reading more tips.

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